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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Rose Green

Transition: Year 6 to Year 7

Transferring to Secondary School

How do I apply for a Secondary School place?

All parents of children in Year 6 will need to apply online via the West Sussex County Council website.  

The application window opens in September and closes at the end of October.  Parents are asked to list three schools, in preferential order, with one of those schools being your catchment school. 

When will I know if a place has been allocated?

Parents are normally informed of their allocated school by the Local Authority by the end of March each year ready for September.

How do I know which secondary school is best for my child?

This is the most frequently asked question by parents.

Our advice would be to look for a school where you and your child would feel they would be happiest. We all perform at our best when we feel happy, comfortable and secure with our surroundings. A school which has a track record of achieving very high GCSE and A-Level results is not necessarily the school to go to – if your child doesn’t feel happy they will not perform.

Will you allow children time off to visit secondary schools?


We would recommend that children and parents spend time looking at secondary school to help them make an informed decision.

How is transition managed?

We work closely with our secondary schools to help ensure that children receive a good transition.

Transition arrangements vary between different secondary schools, but generally follow the following format:
  • The Head of Year or senior member of staff will meet with our Year 6 teachers during the summer term to discuss each individual child transferring to their respective school.
  • Children with specific issues will be discussed at greater length, normally with the SENCo.
  • Year 6 children will spend the day at their new school on Induction Day which is normally held at the beginning of July.
  • There are often extra visits for children with specific issues and who may find transition difficult.
  • Some secondary schools run summer schools where children attend during the summer holidays.

Will you communicate with my child’s new school?


All children are discussed at length and all relevant information is passed from Rose Green Junior to the secondary school. A lot of additional time is spent discussing arrangements and passing on information for children with specific issues.