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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Rose Green

Teams & Captains

We have four teams in our school and every child belongs to one of the four teams.

These teams operate like a House system and the purpose of this is to inspire achievement and attainment with a competitive element, with children working collectively across Year Groups.

Every child and staff member in the school belongs to a team. These teams are Earth (Green), Fire (Red), Sky (Yellow) and Water (Blue).

Each team is led by a staff member and two Year 6 Team Captains, who are elected by the staff and children each academic year.

The Team Captains have positions that also hold tremendous responsibility across the school and throughout the whole school year. These children are role models for all other children and have qualities of leadership that we would want others to attain to.

Responsibilities of these children are many and varied, and include:

  • representing our school at locality meetings of schools;
  • representing our school at local functions or presentations;
  • making presentations at parents meetings;
  • showing prospective Year 2 parents around the school at open evenings;
  • handing out or receiving awards in assemblies to and from special guests;
  • providing suggestions as to how the school can be improved on a day to day basis;
  • a number of duties around the school, e.g. handing out attendance registers every day, putting out chairs and benches for assembly, collating weekly team point scores, etc.

The teams compete against each other in a number of events on a daily, weekly, half termly, termly and annual basis such as Sports Day. Each day, children aim to achieve their very best whether that is with their learning, behaviour, attitude and following our five values.

As part of the recognition of these achievements staff will praise the children for their efforts in their learning and their following of our five values. One aspect of this praise may be through receiving a Team Point. These team points are collated and displayed in each classroom for the children to see. 

All of the children enter into this friendly competitive spirit that helps them to aspire individually and collectively to greater achievements.