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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.


Rose Green

Headteacher's Welcome

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Rose Green Junior School website.

I feel extremely privileged to be the Executive Headteacher of our friendly and caring school, where all staff are committed to ensure that every child can succeed.

We have extremely high expectations of ourselves and our children, and continually strive to ensure that children achieve the very best academically and socially, whilst providing them with a firm foundation for life as well as extending their aspirations.

"Due to the carefully planned curriculum and expert teaching, pupils achieve very well across a broad range of subjects." 

Ofsted, 2024

I joined the school as Headteacher in September 2013 and became Executive Headteacher in 2023, as I also work across Schoolsworks Academy Trust as Director of School Improvement.  Our Head of School, Mrs Cathryn Easton, leads the school on a daily basis.

Our school has made significant improvement in all aspects, over the last 12 years. This has been reflected in our inspections by Ofsted where the school has progressed from Requires Improvement in 2013 to Good in 2017 and most recently to Outstanding in 2024.  This is the first time in the school's history to have been graded Outstanding.

In addition, our KS2 SATs results have continued to improve year-on-year and, despite the challenges and disruption following the pandemic, our children's performance has continued to improve from 66% of our Year 6 children achieiving the Expected standard in Reading, Writing & Maths combined in 2019, rising to 72% in 2024.  This is 11% above the national average.

Our staff are a significant strength in our school and their rigour, drive and dedication to personalise children's learning to meet their needs as well as their continual support and encouragement to improve children's confidence and push their learning forward, has resulted in these positive child outcomes and excellent progress.

Support and provision for children with Special Educational Needs and vulnerable children is also a considerable strength of our school and our staff go above and beyond with the range of support and personalised provision for children and their families.

Ethos & Values

Our whole school is continually reflecting upon the challenges our children are to face in their later life and looking at how best to prepare our children to meet these challenges with confidence and determination.

This is reflected in our  curriculum, which is based upon three core elements that we feel this generation of children need to know in order to prepare them for the future:

  • How to look after ourselves;
  • How to look after each other;
  • How to look after our planet.

We have a fantastic staff team who only want the very best for all our children and, with the School Community Council members and parent volunteers, are committed and work tirelessly to move our school forward and ensure our children achieve their very best.

Our school is underpinned by our five values which were generated by staff and children.

We expect all children, staff, volunteers and visitors to support and promote our values as follows:

  • We are proud of our school and treat everyone and everything with respect;
  • We are always kind, polite and honest;
  • We are safe and sensible at all times;
  • We help and support each other to succeed;
  • We have high expectations and a positive attitude - we aim to be the very best.

We all want the very best for your child and our number one priority is to ensure all children are happy in school, to that end, it is vital that parents and school staff communicate regularly. If you ever have any queries or problems please contact us immediately so they can be resolved as soon as possible. Parents can talk or email directly their child's class teacher in the first instance, followed by the Year Leader, SENCo or myself. Contact Mrs Nikki Gunn, Headteacher's PA and Office Manager, on 01243 262317 or email ngunn@rosegreenjunior.co.uk to book an appointment to see the Deputy Headteacher or Head of School.

We would hope to be able to resolve your concerns but if you feel that we have not done so, then you can make an official complaint by following our complaints procedure.

This website provides new & existing parents and visitors a summary of key information about our school including useful downloads, school policies and latest letters. Please also see our school Facebook page for the very latest information, photographs and parent reminders. If you would like further information or would like to book an appointment for a visit, then please do not hesitate to contact us using the tab at the top of the page and we will be more than happy to answer your questions in person.

Philip Craig | Executive Headteacher